Workshop 2: Strengthening Quality Assurance and Developing Global Standards in English Language Training (ELT) Centre Management in ASEAN and Australia.
Target Audience
Leaders and practitioners from the ELT sector in ASEAN and Australia including those involved in academic English preparation programs, English language testing and teacher training.
English is the official language of ASEAN with a wide range of proficiency as measured by the EF English Proficiency index. Singapore, Malaysia and the Philippines sit in the top quarter of the index with Vietnam registering improvement while Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar and Cambodia are working to make system wide improvement.
Australian linked ELT centres are active in all 10 ASEAN countries including at transnational campuses of Australian universities and in standalone English centres. Australian Quality Assurance bodies that specialise in ELT centre management and standards such as the National ELT Accreditation Scheme (NEAS) are becoming increasingly active in the region alongside ASEAN regional ELT organisations.
The Workshop Objectives
The workshop will explore:
Agreed minimum ASEAN standards for ELT teachers to work in the sector
Strategies for improving the quality of English teacher training in ASEAN
Strategies to improve the ELT standards of ASEAN students applying for scholarships to study overseas
Addressing the ELT issues that impact on the quality of higher education research partnerships between ASEAN and Australian universities