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Message from the AAED Convenor 
Nov 2021

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Dear colleagues from ASEAN and Australia,


There is a sense of optimism building in the education community in both Southeast Asia and Australia as vaccination rates improve dramatically and lockdowns ease. Schools, colleges, training institutions and universities are opening up and if the situation continues to improve, we can look forward to the gradual return of international students and regional mobility. Student charter flights to some Australian states from Southeast Asia are scheduled to resume in December 2021.


After the challenges and controversies of this month's Glasgow Climate Change Conference (COP 26), the education sector will continue to play an increasingly important role in helping young people develop understanding about climate change and its impacts, challenges and solutions. At a university level, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) provide a helpful framework to underpin Higher Education Research Partnerships, including those between Australia and ASEAN universities.


Our media partner, Times Higher Education (THE), has shown leadership in the education sector by initiating the THE Impact Rankings that help universities action the SDG’s. Australian and New Zealand universities have been particularly active and successful in taking up this challenge.  


At this month's AAED webinar on November 25th, we will be joined by our colleagues from SEAMEO INNOTECH based in the Philippines, as well as Study Melbourne and FutureLearn based in the State of Victoria. Together they will unpack some exciting programs that are helping to enhance teacher quality in Australia and Southeast Asia. This will be a case study in illustrating how Australian micro-credentials can help in teacher training and how SEAMEO is implementing best practice in teacher training using digital platforms to build a regional community of practice for teachers and school leaders.


Best wishes,


Michael Fay


ASEAN-Australia Education Dialogue (AAED)

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